Monday, December 7, 2009

30th November 2009 Monday Malaysia,we are back!!

30th November 2009 Monday Malaysia,we are back!!

Today was my last day in Taiwan
After today we won’t be able to see each other again
I felt deeply sad
Luckily,the technology is so advance
We still can contact each through the internet
We quickly jotted down the email address among each other
Malaysia delegation departed at 6.30am
It was still early
Yesterday I slept at 3.30 am
I watched tv,ate a lot of food with my friends,we chit-chatted until 3.30am
I only slept for about 3 hours
At 6.30am
We went to The Tao Yuan Airport
The temperature was very cold this morning
We left Taiwan at 9.55am
After 1hour 30 minutes
We reached Hong Kong Airport
We didn’t walk around in the airport
We rushed for time
because we had to board in thr plane before 12.30pm
It took almost 4 hours to reach KLIA
I watched Transformer in the plane
Because it was quite bored in the plane
The seat is small
I sat right in the middle
I even felt uncomfortable
After a long travelling
We reached KL airport
My friend sang “Balik Kampong” was funny
It was time we all had to separate
I felt very very very upset
We promised to each other
we will keep in touch
we hug together
I departed at 10.10pm to Kuantan
So I took dinner in the airport with miss Wong
Just the two of us
So pity…..:
We went to the waiting area at 9.30pm
But later there was an announcement ,our plane will be delayed until10.25pm
Ok,it was okay
I did’t mind
I fell very vey tired
I slept in the plane
After 45 minutes flight
We reached Kuantan -
“My kampung”
My parent came to fetch me
I reached home…

Lih Bin,(Sarawak)
Hanis, (Pekan,Pahang)
Harif,(Pulau Pinang)
Suji (Pulau Pinang)

Taiwan Airport

29th November 2009 Sunday it is the time to say good bye

29th November 2009 Sunday it is the time to say good bye

Today we woke up at 6.45am
We had to practice our Malay dance at 7am!!!
And tonight we had to perform it
We didn’t have time to practice anymore
We had to rush,rush,rush
We were not punctual, we went to the 7th floor of the hotel at 7.30am.
30 minutes late!!!!
When we reached there,
all the boys had already went down having their breakfast
We felt very sorry for the boys and teachers
After having breakfast
We went to the Jin Sian Hall for registration
Then we went to our own booth respectively.
I met my Indonesia and Taiwan friend there
After the opening ceremony and debriefing about students’ task
The International Expo started
From 10am to 11.30am
My group had to take 6 photos about the International Expo
And did some explanation about the photos
My group members were Sara,Jenny,Maudy,Chloe and Laura
We finished our task early
So Maudy and I went around to visit the other boothes
From 11.30am to 1.30pm
We recorded some video clips about why we love Taiwan
My friend called me to practice our Malay Dance since we were lack of time.
We practiced about an hour
After that
It was our free time
From 2.30pm to 4.00pm .We were required to introduce our booth to the guests
4.00 pm sharp was the closing ceremony
After the closing ceremony
We had to go back to our room and change into our traditional costume
At 6.00pm
We shifted from Chientan Youth Activity Centre to the Grand Hotel
It is a very high-class hotel
We all felt nervous to perform our dance,
For me ,this was the first time I had to perform dance on the stage
But we tried to do our best
All the teachers praised for our good performance
We felt very proud and happy.
After the performance,we were very relieved
We went around to take photos
Some of my friends were crying
We missed each other very much
I felt sad when I saw them cried
We would leave Taiwan the next day
At 9.30pm
We went back to the Youth Centre
We all felt sad because we would separate the next day
At 10 pm
We went to the Shilin Night Market
Actually I already went there with Miss Wong on the fourth night
But it was more happier to went there with all my friends
We went back to the youth centre at 12 midnight
It was late
But we still had to pack up our luggages
After that
Lih bin came back and bought some “sticky tou fu”to me
I almost vomitted when I smelt it.
It is really smelly.I tried my first bite
I really did’t like the“sticky tou fu”
Then we went to the boys’ room to tell them the dress code for tomorrow
We didn’t felt sleepy at all
Maybe this was the last night we were in Taiwan
We slept at 3.30am

Sujith,Lih Bin and me

yeah!Malaysia boleh!!!

Lih Bin and me

28th November 2009 Saturday Busy Day

28th November 2009 Saturday Busy Day

Today we were very busy
We had to wake up at 6.45am to practice our dance.
The delegation from Malaysia was given a chance to perform the dance at the closing ceremony.
I felt nervous because I didn’t know how to dance.I have to admit that I have no talent at dances.
After practicing for some times
We went to have our breakfast
I saw all of our teachers wore coats
As I noticed,they had a function at the international conference later
All the students went to the Jin Sian hall for registration
The hall is crowded
I saw many students that came from another countries
At 10.30pm
The person incharge descibed the activities that would be carried out on the day
After that
We were given a task to set up and decorate our booth
Our booth was given a title called” Tomorrow ‘s World”
We set up our booth by using hard cardboard.
And then we pasted up all the photos onto our booth
At 12.30pm
We had our lunch
I felt very hungry after doing a lot of things
We finished our booth at 2.30pm
Then we we given another task for tomorrow
We went back to our hotel at 5.00pm
At 6.00pm, all teachers and students had a golden opportunity to visit Shiling Night Market
But our teacher said we would go to the night market tomorrow night
Instead for tonight
They brought us to the 101 Tower
Fantastic place….
I always say that our teahers are kind
The Taipei 101 Tower is the second tallest tower in the world
We went there by LRT
It took such a long time to go there
About 30 minutes later
Finally we reached Taipei 101 Tower
I was very excited to see the tower
We took many photos
We went up the tower
It only took 36 seconds to go up the tower
It was amazing to see the night view from the tower at 89 floors
Beside that
We could go out the tower to see the view at 90 floors.It was such an unforgettable experience.
The temperature is very cold
We went back at 12.00 midnight.
We all felt tired
But we still had to practice our dance
We must show our best at the closing ceremony
Because we are from Malaysia…..Malaysia Boleh right!!!
We practiced until 2.00 am
We all felt very tired and exotic

27th November 2009 Friday Sin-Jhuang Junior High School

27th November 2009 Friday Sin-Jhuang Junior High School

We visited to the Sin-Jhuang Junior High School
This was the last school we are going to visit.
Sin-Jhuang Junior High School is a big school
There are over 4000 students in this school
Wow!such a large number
We went there by bus
When we reached there
The students and teachers were very excited to see us.
The students played music instruments to welcome us.
At 9.00am
The opening ceremony was launched by the principal Mr Hsieh Chin Cheng
At 10am
They gave us a worksheet
We had to answer the questions in the worksheet.The worksheet was about the environment in Malaysia.
It was easy for me
Because I ‘ve already prepared the answers before I came to Taiwan.
After one hour
There was a break
The food is delicious
It was calligraphy time
We learnt the evolution of Chinese Characters
Time past so fast.
After that
Lunch time again.
After meal,I visited their library
There are many kinds of books in their library
I found out that some of the students are shocked when they saw us visiting their library.,
After that,we joined in group of two.(Van and I).
We had to make a solar car
The Solar car we made must could move when it was put under the sun
Every team had to make two solar cars
Van and I went to the front to test our solar cars.
Our car couldn’t move.
My God.,what had happened
We were very anxiety.
But later
It moved!!!May be it got enough solar energy then it moved.Thanks God.

It was wonderful when we saw our car was moving
After that
We went back to the room to make some beadcrafts
We had to use the beads to make’ the god of fortune’
It was difficult to me
Because the beads are too small
And it was difficult to got through the thread
But finally,with the guidance from the facilitator
My Fortune god was completed
It looks beautiful
Then it was time for us to leave
We said bye bye to the students
Today ,we moved to the Youth Centre
I felt happy because I could meet my Malaysian friends again
I was told that
the delegation from Malaysia would be sharing the same room!!
But all of them not yet reaching the centre
So only me alone in the room
Miss Wong decided to bring me to the Shi Lin Night Market
I was very excited
Because the night market is very famous in Taiwan
I ate the “spicy yun tun”
It tastes good
And my teacher ate “seafood soup”
Then we went sight seeing around the night market
We bought some junk food.
After that
We went to another night market
We went to a boutique
Miss Wong bought two clothes
We shopped until 10.30pm
We went back to our room respectively
I was very happy when I saw my Malaysian friends were all in the room
We told each other what we had done before
It was a wonderful day…

26th November 2009 Thursday Danshui

26th November 2009 Thursday Danshui

Today was my third day in Taiwan
After breakfast,we were scheduled to go to the Jheng De Junior High School.
This was the first school we visited in Taiwan..
We arrived at this school at 8.30am.
After getting off the bus, we went to the conference room for registration.
After that
The opening ceremony was carried out.
The principal of Jheng De High School gave us a welcome speech.
He welcomed us to visit his school
The person incharge showed us some video clips about some attractive places in Dansui
At 10am,the journey started..
First,we went to the Fisherman’s Wharf and Solar Power Contruction
In Dansui Fisherman’s Wharf, there is a bridge called Lover’s Bridge
It was built on 14th February .
We took photos in front of the bridge.
The scenery around is so beautiful and attractive.
Today was a sunny day
We felt hot and we all were sweating.The sweater I brought purposely from Malaysia is no used at all.
Then we went to the solar city which is also located in Danshui
After that
We went to visit the Fort San Domingo
The whole building is red
So the Taiwanese called it “Hong Mao Chen”
It has been occupied by many countries such as America ,Japan and etc.
Taiwan is the last country that occupied this fort
After visited the fort
We went to buy some souvenirs.
We went back to the Jheng De High school to take our lunch
After that ,we continued our journey,
This time,we went to “Waziwei”
Actually Waziwei is a wetland
And it is also a Nature Conservation Area
We saw many crabs and mudskippers at the mud flats
After that we went to the Danshui Old Street by ferry.
The journey took about 20 minutes.
The famous thing about Danshui Old Street is the hawker centre there.
The hawkers sell delicious food.
The most famous food in Danshui old street is the iron eggs
The eggs are black in colour.
There look aweful.
There were packed and sold at reasonable price.
We left the Old Street at 7.30pm.
We said goodbye to the Jheng De Junior High School students
We enjoyed our dinner in a restaurant.
After dinner, we went back to the Regalees Hotel at 9.00pm.
Today I was quite tired but I gained a lot of knowledge.

25th November 2009 Wednesday meet friends from another countries

25th November 2009 Wednesday meet friends from another countries

Today was my second day in Taiwan
We woke up early
My friends and I went down to the hall to take our breakfast
After breakfast
Miss Wong decided to bring me to walk around
I saw most of the people in Taipei use motorcycle as their transport
We went to the 7-eleven nearby
The 7-eleven in Taiwan is quite different
The things sold there are unique,
We went back t to the youth centre to check out
After checking out
We had to wait until1.00pm to meet the students that come from another countries at the lobby
Lih Bin(friend from Sarawak) and I went around to take some photos
Around 12.30pm
We took our lunch
Packed our things
There are 12 students in Malaysia delegation
Malaysia teams needed to be separated
And joined the other students from another countries
I waved good bye to my friends
But we will meet each other again after two days
We must transferred to another hotel-Regalees Hotel
At 2.00 pm
We reached the Regalees hotel
After checking at the lobby
We went to our room respectively
My room number is 1509 at 15th floors
And my room mates are from Thailand and Indonesia
But the students from Thailand only will reach Taiwan during night time
We took a snap in the room
We were free the whole day
I went to Miss Wong’s room to surf internet
We went down to the restaurant to have our dinner
After dinner
Miss Wong brought me to walk along the street
I saw many kinds of shop along the street
There are boutique shop,fruit stall,the shop that sell duck meat and etc
Around 9.00pm
We went back to our hotel
I met my roommate –Maudi (friend from Indonesia)in the lift
We went back to our room together
We waited the arrival of the Thailand students
We watched tv programme until midnight
We went to sleep=)

24th November 2009 Tuesday Departure

24th November 2009 Tuesday Departure

Today I am leaving to Taiwan. -Bon Voyage
This was the first time I went to Taiwan
I felt very excited
I woke up early in the morning
After having breakfast
I went to the Kuantan Airport
My teacher was already there waiting for me
We went to check-in our luggage
I said good bye to my family
We departed from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur Airport at 6.50am
After 40 minutes
We reached KL Airport
Miss Wong not yet having her breakfast
So we went to ‘Burger King’
After that
We walked sight seeing in the airport
We had to wait until 10.35am
Because we had to meet the students and teachers who came from another states
After an hour
All of them arrived
We went to checked-in our luggage again
After that we took our lunch in the airport
The food was expensive..
At 1.25pm
We went to the International Departure
We should be boarding at 1.45pm
After almost 4 hours
We reached Hong Kong International Airport
We needed to rush with time
We had to board the plane to Taiwan at 6.45pm
I saw the night view from the window
It is beautiful
After an hour
We reached Taiwan Tao Yuan Airport
The temperature was quite cold that night
After a while
A tourist bas came to fetch us to the Chientan Youth Centre
The night view in Taiwan is beautiful
I like it..
At 10.30 pm
We reached the centre
After the briefing
We all went to our room respectively
While in the room ,we introduced to each other.
We went to bed a bit early .
I am so eagerly to meet the other friends from other foreign countries.

Miss Wong and I in KLIA

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Hanis (friend from Pekan)and I

Miss Wong and I in Tao Yuan Airport