Monday, December 7, 2009

30th November 2009 Monday Malaysia,we are back!!

30th November 2009 Monday Malaysia,we are back!!

Today was my last day in Taiwan
After today we won’t be able to see each other again
I felt deeply sad
Luckily,the technology is so advance
We still can contact each through the internet
We quickly jotted down the email address among each other
Malaysia delegation departed at 6.30am
It was still early
Yesterday I slept at 3.30 am
I watched tv,ate a lot of food with my friends,we chit-chatted until 3.30am
I only slept for about 3 hours
At 6.30am
We went to The Tao Yuan Airport
The temperature was very cold this morning
We left Taiwan at 9.55am
After 1hour 30 minutes
We reached Hong Kong Airport
We didn’t walk around in the airport
We rushed for time
because we had to board in thr plane before 12.30pm
It took almost 4 hours to reach KLIA
I watched Transformer in the plane
Because it was quite bored in the plane
The seat is small
I sat right in the middle
I even felt uncomfortable
After a long travelling
We reached KL airport
My friend sang “Balik Kampong” was funny
It was time we all had to separate
I felt very very very upset
We promised to each other
we will keep in touch
we hug together
I departed at 10.10pm to Kuantan
So I took dinner in the airport with miss Wong
Just the two of us
So pity…..:
We went to the waiting area at 9.30pm
But later there was an announcement ,our plane will be delayed until10.25pm
Ok,it was okay
I did’t mind
I fell very vey tired
I slept in the plane
After 45 minutes flight
We reached Kuantan -
“My kampung”
My parent came to fetch me
I reached home…

Lih Bin,(Sarawak)
Hanis, (Pekan,Pahang)
Harif,(Pulau Pinang)
Suji (Pulau Pinang)

Taiwan Airport

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