Monday, December 7, 2009

25th November 2009 Wednesday meet friends from another countries

25th November 2009 Wednesday meet friends from another countries

Today was my second day in Taiwan
We woke up early
My friends and I went down to the hall to take our breakfast
After breakfast
Miss Wong decided to bring me to walk around
I saw most of the people in Taipei use motorcycle as their transport
We went to the 7-eleven nearby
The 7-eleven in Taiwan is quite different
The things sold there are unique,
We went back t to the youth centre to check out
After checking out
We had to wait until1.00pm to meet the students that come from another countries at the lobby
Lih Bin(friend from Sarawak) and I went around to take some photos
Around 12.30pm
We took our lunch
Packed our things
There are 12 students in Malaysia delegation
Malaysia teams needed to be separated
And joined the other students from another countries
I waved good bye to my friends
But we will meet each other again after two days
We must transferred to another hotel-Regalees Hotel
At 2.00 pm
We reached the Regalees hotel
After checking at the lobby
We went to our room respectively
My room number is 1509 at 15th floors
And my room mates are from Thailand and Indonesia
But the students from Thailand only will reach Taiwan during night time
We took a snap in the room
We were free the whole day
I went to Miss Wong’s room to surf internet
We went down to the restaurant to have our dinner
After dinner
Miss Wong brought me to walk along the street
I saw many kinds of shop along the street
There are boutique shop,fruit stall,the shop that sell duck meat and etc
Around 9.00pm
We went back to our hotel
I met my roommate –Maudi (friend from Indonesia)in the lift
We went back to our room together
We waited the arrival of the Thailand students
We watched tv programme until midnight
We went to sleep=)

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