Monday, December 7, 2009

24th November 2009 Tuesday Departure

24th November 2009 Tuesday Departure

Today I am leaving to Taiwan. -Bon Voyage
This was the first time I went to Taiwan
I felt very excited
I woke up early in the morning
After having breakfast
I went to the Kuantan Airport
My teacher was already there waiting for me
We went to check-in our luggage
I said good bye to my family
We departed from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur Airport at 6.50am
After 40 minutes
We reached KL Airport
Miss Wong not yet having her breakfast
So we went to ‘Burger King’
After that
We walked sight seeing in the airport
We had to wait until 10.35am
Because we had to meet the students and teachers who came from another states
After an hour
All of them arrived
We went to checked-in our luggage again
After that we took our lunch in the airport
The food was expensive..
At 1.25pm
We went to the International Departure
We should be boarding at 1.45pm
After almost 4 hours
We reached Hong Kong International Airport
We needed to rush with time
We had to board the plane to Taiwan at 6.45pm
I saw the night view from the window
It is beautiful
After an hour
We reached Taiwan Tao Yuan Airport
The temperature was quite cold that night
After a while
A tourist bas came to fetch us to the Chientan Youth Centre
The night view in Taiwan is beautiful
I like it..
At 10.30 pm
We reached the centre
After the briefing
We all went to our room respectively
While in the room ,we introduced to each other.
We went to bed a bit early .
I am so eagerly to meet the other friends from other foreign countries.

Miss Wong and I in KLIA

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Hanis (friend from Pekan)and I

Miss Wong and I in Tao Yuan Airport

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